How old are you?
20 + something.
Which country are you from?
Born and raised in the Philippines
Where did you study?
Foundation University of Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental

When did you start blogging?
The month of September of 2012
How did you get your domain name?
I purchased if from Namecheap, so far they are great! Really great!
Why did you move to WordPress.org?
Several years ago, I reached to the point I was having to do a lot of hand-coding in HTML on Tumblr till I’ll get to my desired theme or posts and I appreciate all that Google and tutorials have done with my Tumblr platform but then I just got tired of trying to write everything in HTML, – I have a poor eyesight. Haha! I guess this is the right thing to do. Change is always good.

What camera did you use?
Iphone5s, Nikon D5100 and my photographer’s camera of course.
Who takes your photos?
Most of the time I take photos by myself and for sponsored items/posts, I have my own photographer: My Romeo, Mael and Denniz
What apps did you use for photos?
VscoCam, Photoshop Cs5, Lightroom and Photoscape.